Father's Day is coming..... Reflecting a little today. I have an awesome dad.... pretty sure if the myth was right about grey hairs, I am responsible for every last one he has. He should've had permanent whiplash, for every time he has to shake his head. My dad has been an excellent role model in many ways over the years, leading by example. He has worked hard every day of his life even in retirement. He definitely treats others exactly how he would want to be treated, even when others do not reciprocate, that takes some patience and love. He has a good smile and firm hand shake to everyone he meets. He is a helper, he is always volunteering to help others before they even get a chance to ask. God has truly blessed him for being the man he is.
All of that being said, raising a will-full child like myself, I am sure was not an easy task. My dad though has always loved me. Always made sure he told me he loves me and he is a hugger, so lots of hugs. When making choices in life, my dad has always given his opinions, but always lovingly accepted mine. He is one of my biggest supporters in my career. This last fall I was able to go and visit for a few weeks. I am sure to my parents, lol, the visit was long enough, but to me, it wasn't. I am starting to feel my age in my early forties,,,, Time slips by so quickly now and I am beginning to realize myself that we are not always guaranteed tomorrow. I am so looking forward to going to visit again in the fall and I am sure it will not be a visit long enough by my standards. The one thing I am sure about though, is that no matter the miles between us, I know my Dad loves me, and My Dad knows I love him. Life is short, so make lots of moments and memories and don't take life for granted! I love you Dad!
Happy Father's Day to all you men out there..... I know there are a lot of men out there that maybe are not a birth father but have surely stepped up for their step children, grand children and even friends children. Again, Happy Father's Day!
Excited, that we are all booked for Father's Day! But any day is a good day to make a memory with your friends, loved ones or your dad! We have some openings,,,,,, give us a call at 207-551-8962. We would love to help you make some moments or memories.
#mooseheadareaguideservice, #happyfathersday, #MooseheadLake, #Fishing, #fishingcharter, #Greenvillemaine, #Dad, #registeredguide, #wildlifetours