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amber cole

2020 was a year of total craziness. We survived,,,,,, Lets face it the moose have definitely got something right, they live in the sticks. Yah, they got ticks, but they live in the sticks. We strived last year to keep up with all of the recommendations for cleaning, mask wearing and social distancing - yes ONE MOOSE APART. THIS YEAR - we are happy to say that as of May 24th - the rules have changed for those who have been vaccinated! Anyone who has been vaccinated does not need to wear a mask indoors or outdoors. What does that mean to us? Oh I hope you have an idea.........

We get to see your smiling faces!

You can come to Maine!

You can book your Fishing Charter, Moose Tour or Family Adventure with us!

We can make new Moments & Memories

Oh, you have no idea how excited that makes me! We missed our repeat customers that could not come last year! We could not see the smiles on the ones who could come and we could not see faces of our new guests. UGH........ So we are excited to put faces with names. Our calendar is starting to book up with familiar names and new names! Yahoo. Our books are half full and it is not even June yet. Last year for the first time we had waiting lists for cancellations there were very few cancellations.

THE FISH ARE BITING - THE MOOSE ARE MOVING AROUND,,,,,,,, what are you waiting for? Get on over to our booking page and get your trip booked..... SO I CAN SEE YOU SMILE THIS YEAR - PUT A FACE WITH A NAME while making some NEW Moments and Memories!


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